Since the beginning of our effort we had just one aim.We justifiably named the new Agricultural Cooperative “Cerified Products of Gargalianoi”suggesting our comlete adherence into the implementation of Good Agricultural Practice and Integrated Crop Management System.Our producers’ health,consumers’ safety and the protection and the improvement of Environment are promoted through our activities.
Having focused on Agricultural Production we stared planning and using “Environmental ManagementQuality” according to the principles of “Good Agricultural Practice” of “ EurepGrap v.2.1 Protocol” Jan ’04-option 2. Today we can certify and meet quality requirements of “Agro 2.1-2.2”
Our producers have realized all the changes we have made in their cultural methods and they enjoy many benefits.Equality in competitive markets ,developments in the methods of production .recognisable quality and respect of the environment.
For better production management we addressed to one of the most contemporary olive oil factories of our region.With our support and with decisive steps ‘Hygiene and Traceability System –ISO 22000” was implemented anf certified.
As far as the environment is concerned the awareness of our Cooperatrive led us to the use of “Integrated Crop Management” for all our activities according to the model “ISO 14001-2004”